Fenugreek Extract

Botanical name: Trigonella foenum graecum

Common name: Fenugreek

Standardized for: Saponins by Gravimetry

Our Fenugreek Range

Fenugreek Extract

  • NLT 50% Saponins by Gravimetry

Key Health Benefits

  • Traditionally recognized and clinically proven to help manage healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Helps improve quality of life and libido in Men.

Mechanism of Action

  • Fenugreekseed extract works to slow the enzymaticdigestion of carbohydrates, reduce gastrointestinal absorption of glucose, and thus reduce postprandial glucose.

Published Literature Reference

  1. Mansooriet. al., Effect of fenugreek extract supplement on testosterone levels in male: A meta-analysis of clinical trialsPhytotherapy Research. 2020;1–6
  2. Rania A Najdi, Magda M Hagras, Fatemah O Kamel, Rania M Magadmi., A randomized controlled clinical trial evaluating the effect of Trigonellafoenum-graecum (fenugreek) versus glibenclamide in patients with diabetesAfrican Health Sciences Vol 19 Issue 1, March, 2019
  3. Kooshki A, Khazaei Z, Rad M, Zarghi A, ChanbariMogaddam A. Effects of fenugreek seed powder on stress induced hyperglycemia and clinical outcomes in critically ill patients: A randomized clinical trial.Biomed. Res. Ther.;5(9):2664-2670


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