Botanical name: Andrographis paniculata
Common name: Andrographis Extract
Standardized for: Andrographolides by HPLC
Liver Health: Andrographolides’s hepatoprotective protection function may be attributed to its ability to improve the reparative and regenerative potential of the affected liver by normalizing the liver enzymes SGOT, SGPT, Bilurubin, ALT, Total Cholesterol etc. and increasing the various antioxidant levels such as SOD and CAT.
Anti-viral Potential : Andrographis extract and Andrographolides has demonstrated significant anti-viral potential against a host of viruses. It is reported to target multiple antiviral pathways of viral attachment, replication, and host-pathogen interactions
It work at different stages of Viral Infection Pathway that include
1. Inhibiting entry of the virus inside the cell.
2. Inhibiting replication of genetic material
3. Inhibiting expression of Viral proteins
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